Out of the box, it looks like this:

Wouldn't it be nice to:
  • Add some pretty logos?
  • Correct that Domain\username example so it show UPN format?
  • Change the instruction text?
  • Give the page a better title than "Sign In"?
  • Remove or change that hostname header above the login box?
  • Add an "Authorized Use" text block at the bottom to keep the lawyers from bugging you?

Well, if you agree, today is your lucky day!
Please, keep in mind that it is quite possible (likely even) that some of the changes I describe below will be overwritten when you apply any update to ADFS. Make sure you:
  1. Back up your original files, in case you need to revert to the stock config
  2. Have backup copies of your changes, in case they get stomped on by an update.
  3. Understand that you may have to re-do your changes after an update as the underlying files may change.

These instructions are applicable to ADFS 2.0 with update rollup 2. I have not tested this with any other past or future version.
Having covered all necessary behinds…on with the show

Adding a Logo

  • Logo image file should be 600x100
  • Save image file to c:\inetpub\adfs\ls\logo.jpg (or logo.png)
  • Open c:\inetpub\adfs\ls\web.config in notepad
  • Locate text
    <add key="logo" value="logo.jpg" />
  • Remove the "<!--" and "-->" to uncomment the section. Change filename to match the logo you saved.
  • Save file and close

Change the "Example" Instructions

  • Go to C:\inetpub\adfs\ls\App_GlobalResources
  • Edit file CommonResources.en.resx in Notepad (replace the "en" with your localization code if not English)
  • Locate text:
    <data name="UsernameExample" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>Example: Domain\Username</value>
  • Edit this text to be what you want
  • Save File and close

Change the Instruction Text

  • Edit CommonResources.en.resx in Notepad as per item above
  • Locate text:
    <data name="FormsSignInHeader" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>Type your user name and password.</value>
  • Edit this text to be what you want
  • Save file and close

Change the Page Title

  • Go to C:\inetpub\adfs\ls\App_GlobalResources
  • Edit file CommonResources.en.resx in Notepad
  • Locate text:
    <data name="FormsSignInPageTitle" xml:space="preserve">
    <value>Sign In</value>
  • Edit this text to be what you want
  • Save File and close

Remove or Change the Hostname Header Above the Login Box

  • Go to C:\inetpub\adfs\ls\MasterPages
  • Edit MasterPage.master.cs in Notepad
  • Locate text:
    PageTitleLabel.Text = Page.Title;
    STSLabel.Text = FriendlyName;
  • Change this text to what you want. Your text MUST BE IN QUOTES. Like this
    STSLabel.Text = "Contoso Limited Single Sign On";
  • Save File and close

Add an "Authorized Use" disclaimer or other text at bottom of page

  1. Go to C:\inetpub\adfs\ls\MasterPages
  2. Open MasterPage.Master in Notepad (not MasterPage.Master.cs)
  3. Locate text at the end of the file:
    <div class="MainActionContainer">
    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">
  4. Add a section here (added text hightlighted):
    <div class="MainActionContainer">
    <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">
    <div class="GroupLargeMargin">
    <div class="TextSizeLarge">
    <asp:Label ID="STSFooter" runat="server"></asp:Label>

  5. Save file and close
  6. Edit file MasterPage.Master.cs in Notepad
  7. Locate text:
    protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
    PageTitleLabel.Text = Page.Title;
    STSLabel.Text = FriendlyName;
  8. Add a line (added text highlighted)
    protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
    PageTitleLabel.Text = Page.Title;
    STSLabel.Text = FriendlyName;
    STSFooter.Text = "This is a secured, private computer system owned by Contoso. All Information contained on this system is deemed to be PRIVATE, PROPRIETARY, CONFIDENTIAL and the property of Contoso, Inc., its affiliates, divisions or subsidiaries. Unauthorized access or use is strictly prohibited. Any use of Contoso resources must be in compliance with Contoso policies including Electronic Mail/Communication; Information System Usage; Corporate Disclosure; Unauthorized Use of Software and the Code of Business Ethics. By using Contoso resources, you agree to comply with Contoso policies. Any unauthorized access to or use of Contoso Resources may be punishable in a court of law and may include termination of employment or contract with Contoso.<br>To protect your account from unauthorized access, Outlook Web Access automatically closes its connection to your mailbox after a period of inactivity. If your session ends, refresh your browser, and then log on again.";
  9. This text is all on one line. If you need or want a linefeed in the text use <br>, like here.
  10. Save file and close

These are just a few of the theme elements you can fiddle with on the ADFS Proxy form. As you play with these, you will see other text tidbits you may want to adjust. Just be certain to follow my warnings and back everything up before and after your fiddling.

Thanks to :